Easter Chic Chics-Free Crochet Pattern

Meet my Easter Chic Chics-EZ, Eugenie, Easter & Esme, they can be cute , they can be goofy, they can be one of the best in your Easter basket this year. Let’s make your very own Easter Chic Chics for this Easter now!
Get to know them better you can click HERE
Level: Beginner- Easy
4ply yarn in black, brown and baby pink/ purple/blue/yellow
The yarn I use is Red heart comfort.
crochet hook size C / 2.75mm
stitch marker & sewing needles & scissors
8 mm or 12mm plastic safety eyes
Poly-fil/Wool to stuff the doll
Orange and white felt cloth
Hot glue gun or fiber glue
Black marker
X: single crochet
St: stitch
Ch1: chain 1
V: single crochet increase
/\ : single crochet decrease
MR: Magic Ring/an adjustable ring
x,v : repeat the pattern till the end of that row
2(x,v): repeat the pattern 2 times
BLO: back loops only
Finished Size Approx. 3 inches tall
Always use the stitch marker to mark your first stitch each round.
Free Pattern: Easter Chic Chics- EZ, Eugenie, Easter & Esme

Head / Body
Rnd1--- MR 5X (5)
Rnd2--- V (10)
Rnd3---X, V (15)
Rnd4--- 2X, V (20)
Rnd5---3X, V (25)
Rnd6--- X (25)
Rnd7---4X,V (30)
When you are done Rnd 8 or 9, you can insert the safty eyes here on Rnd 7, but before you do so, make sure you row down to see how to locate the beak first.
Rnd8~12---X (30)
Rnd13--- 4X, /\ (25)
Stuff as you go from here to the end
Rnd14---BLO : 8 ( X , /\ ) till the end, you will have one more stitch left, just single crochet the last stitch. ( 17)

I designed Rnd 14 to crochet back loop only to form a base that the chics can really sit properly so they won’t be like wobbling around, if you want them to look more like an egg-shape, you can just crochet normally on this round to create a rounder shape for the chics.
Rnd15--- 8 /\ , X (9) Close off. Fasten off the weave in the yarn.

Rnd1---MR 3X ( 3 ) ch1, turn
Rnd2--- X (3) ch1,turn
Rnd3--- V , X, V (5) leave a long tail to sew the hand/wings to body later.

Legs/ Toes
Use brown yarn to sew.
Feel free to decide where you want to sew the legs/toes, just to make sure the length is right, here I use the stitch to help you see better. For the length of each toes , the shorter ones are 2 stitches long, and the longest toes are 3 stitches long.
Between the 2 legs, I count 4 stitches apart, you can sew them closer or wider, it’s up to you .

Cut off some little triangles from the orange felt for beaks
Hot glue or glue between the body Rnd 7and Rnd 8, and make sure it’s between the 2 legs you just made. Once you located the beak, then you can start the rest.
Notice: No matter what kind of eyes you are making, they are both 1 stitch apart from the beak.

Eyes of the Eugenie chic

Use black yarn to sew
You can start with the right or left eyes, no matter which one you go first, make sure you count 1 stitch apart from the top of the beak (pic 1) . Insert the needle at the back of the body--- leave a tail which is long enough for you to tie a knot later--- and come out at point A (pic1)
Count 2 stitches to upper right/left and insert the needle to point B (pic2)
Count 1 stitch down and come out at point C (pic 3)
Insert the needle back to point A (pic 4)
Count 2 stitches to lower right/left and insert the needle to point D (pic 4)
Or you can just count 1 stitch down right under point C , which is the point D and insert back to point A (pic 5)

Now you are done one eye, you just insert back to the point A, now your needle will come out at another side of the eye, still count 1 stitch apart from the beak (pic 6) , repeat pic 1~5
When you are done both eyes, make sure your needle come out at the very first spot you insert at the back of the body.( pic 7)
Tie a knot and weave it into the body to hide it. (pic 8 ) Nice and secure!
If this is too hard for you, here’s another way to help you out. Check the picture below and you will see how the pattern go.

Eyes of the EZ chic

Use black yarn to sew
Start whichever side of the eye you want, again, make sure you count 1 stitch apart from the beak, here we go!!
Insert the needle with thread from the back of the body --- leave a tail which is long enough for you to tie a knot later--- and come out at point A (pic 1)
Count 3 stitches to the left/right and insert to point B , don’t pull too tight, you have to loosen it a bit to create a smile-like curve (pic2)
Sew the eye lashes (pic 3~4)
Now you are done one eye, go ahead to make the other eye .
When you are done both eyes, Repeat pic 7~8.

Eyes of the Esme chic

Cut down 2 circles from the white felt, use the black marker to draw a dot in the middle of the circle, hot glue /glue them to the face, make sure they are both 1 stitch apart from the beak.
Wings/ Hands

Use the tail you save to thread the needle and sew the wings/hands to body Round 7 , about 2 stitches away from the eyes.

When you are done , make sure your needle come out from the center top of the body (pic 1) for both hands.
Tie a knot, nice and secure, cut the thread and leave about 2 inches long. (pic 2)
Insert the needle right in the middle of the thread (pic 3) and kinda brush/trim to separate them into 4 threads (pic 4)
Trim them to the length you want , nice and fluffy!
Use the marker or the real blush to make the pink cheek

Here, now you have your very own Easter Chic Chics, I can’t wait to see how cute they are in your Easter basket, don’t forget to share the pic with me!!
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This pattern is an original pattern designed by Carrie Lu Fowler of Ohana Craft.
Please do not claim this pattern as your own. Feel free to translate this pattern into your language to share or you just want to share this pattern, I’d appreciate that if you would link back to my blog/FB to credit me as an original pattern designer.
You may keep a copy for your own personal use but please DO NOT sell the pattern or distribute it.
You may sell products made from this pattern but please clearly credit the design to me--Carrie Lu Fowler of Ohana Craft--and provide a link to my blog/FB will be perfect!.
Permission is NOT granted for mass production or factory manufacturing of any kind.
Thank you for your support and understanding and being friendly & respectful!