Lemon Curd Cheese Cake
I made this cake for my boy’s birthday because I’m so tired of making those fancy birthday cake with so many different food coloring, not so healthy and kinda wasting because we just can’t finish those fancy cakes, you know.
Why not making something that everyone loves?
So I tried this cake this year, turn out pretty good. The only part that I can do better is the lemon curd, it’s not so yellowish because I didn’t use the free range eggs, yikes!
只是我的檸檬酪顏色很不黃,後來請教了PRO級的朋友才知道,要用FREE RANGE 的雞生下來的蛋,那種蛋黃是橘黃色的,品質較好,也比較沒有味道!! (記下來下次改進!!)
一般做起司蛋糕的底部都是用餅乾的,但我真的吃得很煩,想要有不同的吃法,還好有認識PRO級的朋友Pauline 她教我做了很搭這個蛋糕的巧克力蛋糕底,整體的成品也算是成功,真的很好吃哦!